Oct 18, 2021
Paddy O’Connell works in the outdoor industry as a self-described word nerd and professional chit chatter -- This essentially means he’s a freelance writer, creator, storyteller, voice over talent, and multimedia producer. He has written for the top magazines and dot coms in the outdoors and has done work both in front of and behind the camera as talent and producer.
Telemark skiers may know him from his article in SKI Magazine in March of 2021 titled,
Telemark Skier, Why Are You The Way That You Are?
Or his more recent follow up piece for the same magazine titled,
I Made Fun Of Tele Skiing—and Then I Actually Tried It.
I had a great conversation with him about both of his pieces, the fun of being in the mountains, and what his first knee-dropping experience was like.
#ProtectorsOfTheTurn #SpreadTelemark #FreeheelLife #Telemark #TelemarkSkiing #TelemarkSki #Skiing #Ski